watch amy schumer take on female masturbation
it’s about time
by daniel barna
Amy Schumer brought the raunch Sunday, when she hosted the MTV Movie Awards. But the night's most riotous moment happened mid-show, when Schumer and some friends (including Amber Rose) visited the local cineplex for some — ahem — alone time. And while we don't want spoil the funny, what we will say is this: It's encouraging to finally see a sex-positive take on masturbation from a female point of view, and demonstrate how normal it is for women to get horny. Call it: The Amy Schumer Effect.
Watch the clip below.
Check out the first exclusive clip from the MTV Movie Awards! Amy Schumer runs into Amber Rose and a bunch of other ladies on their way to see Fifty Shades of Grey and Magic Mike. Watch the Movie Awards this Sunday at 8/7C on MTV. Posted by MTV on Thursday, April 9, 2015