Now, hold every one of those horses there—we said a reunion, not a new season, episode, or reboot. This isn’t Gilmore Girls, folks. Still, a reunion is a reunion, and who doesn’t want to see that?
Yes, NBC will be gathering all six of the original stars from the beloved sitcom—Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, and Matt LeBlanc—together for a prime-time special honoring TV legend, James Burrows.
On top of directing numerous Friends episodes, Burrows’ contributions include helming hundreds of episodes of Cheers and co-creating the almost equally popular Will & Grace. If you’ve not watched a half-hour laugher directed, produced, or written by Burrows, you’ve no doubt watched one influenced by his massive, massive legacy.
Now, nothing’s set in stone here—the Friends cast may not share the same stage or camera. That said, NBC is working its collective fingers off trying to make it happen. Robert Greenblatt told reporters he's, “Hoping that all six of them will be in the same room at the same time, but I'm not sure we can logistically pull that off.” Let’s all hope he’s just being conservative here and not trying to get our hopes up.
Really, though, it’s too late. Our hopes are up, even if we know that we’ve already said goodbye to the characters of Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe long ago. Seeing all those familiar faces together would warm just about every part of our hearts. Everybody cross your fingers on three…two…