alternative movie posters by matthew chojnacki
All our favorite movies with all new
alternative movie posters by matthew chojnacki
It's really the coolest thing ever when we get an e-mail from someone who's created something and wants to share to with the world.No PR firm, no press agent...just a person writing another person, plain and simple. When award winning author
wrote us a couple weeks ago to tell us about his new book
, we checked out the preview--but when it actually came in the mail, we were blown away.
The Cleveland, Ohio-based writer and film/music historian released his first book
with incredible success in 2011, and this month he follows up with
. This new book is the first of its kind, featuring more than 200 posters from over 100 artists hailing from 20 countries. Flipping through the pages made us want to re-watch all of our favorite movies and hang all of these posters all over our apartment and office. Underground film posters are often hard to find because they are produced in limited quantities and sell out in minutes, so this book is legitimately the only place to see an extensive collection of this kind. Additionally, it's super visually inspiring! Check out some of the sample pages
, watch the video on Chojnacki's first book below, then go
and buy them both.