Ashley Benson Says She Was Body-Shamed For Being A Size 2
“I get told all the time to lose weight”
In an interview for Health magazine's most recent issue, Pretty Little Liars star Ashley Benson spoke out about the pressures she's experienced to abide by Hollywood's unrealistic beauty standards. The 26-year-old recounted the many times in the past few years where she was referred to as "too fat" for certain roles.
"I get told all the time to lose weight," she said. "I’m just sitting here like, ‘Wait, what? Do you want a skeleton?’"
While the actress can't help what's said about her physical appearance, she decided that she could control her response. For her, feeding into body-shaming tactics was not an option. “I don’t want to lose 20 lbs., because I don’t need to," she said. "I’m a size 2, but I think that size 4 is healthy. I think that all of these sizes are healthy.”
Maintaining this perspective amid industry pressure is harder than it might sound, and speaking out against it is even harder, so nice one, Benson.