12 Of The Best (And Spookiest) Halloween Makeup Tutorials
You’re going to look boo-tiful!
It's that time of the month. Well, not that one. But rather that time in October, that final week where if you haven't already decided on what you're going as for Halloween, you're probably (most definitely) really, really stressed about it.
By now, you've most likely surrendered any notion of crafting a completely original, clever, (and cute) rendition of a character from your favorite movie. Instead, you've decided that after work on Friday, you'll shell out your hard-earned cash on a polyester costume and parade around town as a sexy nurse; but we promise, there are better solutions. As the great Michael Scott once said, "Halloween should be a day that we honor monsters and not be mad at each other," so we're here to help.
How are we helping? Well, we've rounded up 12 of the best Halloween makeup tutorials we could find on Youtube. So, whether you have big party plans for the spookiest holiday of the year or you're planning to stay in and marathon some scary movies (and stuff your face with candy corn, obviously), you'll definitely want to check these videos out.
Pop Art - Alissa Ashley
Feeling crafty? Test out your artistic chops with this Roy Lichtenstein-inspired look.
Stranger Things' Eleven - Leigh Dickson Artistry
An Eleven costume where you don't have to shave your head or wear an itchy blonde wig. Need we say more?
Burn Special FX - James Charles
This one might scare the trick or treaters away. But, hey, that means more candy for you.
Easy Skull - Chrisspy
Who needs a contour kit when you can just give this look a shot?
Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn Glam - Nikkie Tutorials
We can't all be Margot Robbie, but if you're going as Harley Quinn this year, this tutorial will get you as close as possible.
Creepy Spider - Shaaanxo
Usually, we don't like people pointing out if we have something on our face (aka a zit), but we won't mind them staring at these creepy crawlers.
Miss Peregrine - Roxxsaurus
If the third eye in this tutorial also gives us psychic abilities, then sign us up. If not, sign us up too.
Cleopatra - Iluvsarahii
She basically invented winged eyeliner, so the least we can do is honor her on Halloween—and look really good doing it.
Mad Hatter - Courtney Little
You won't be mad when this tutorial is over, but your friends might be because you'll probably look way cooler than all of them.
Tiffany, Bride of Chucky - Melly Sanchez
Not your typical fresh-faced bridal look, but it'll do.
Trippy Double Vision - Dope2111
Halloween can be a scary night, so stay safe and keep an eye—or four—out.
Sexy Cat - BeautybyGabbie
It's a classic. Can't go wrong with this crowd-pleaser.