In 2014, Rihanna shared her tips for styling with Vogue magazine. One of them involved shopping at Claire's, another was about shoes you can dance it. The one that everyone abided by during New York Fashion Week was her jacket rule. In her own words: "You can do anything with a great jacket, the bigger the better. You can have any silhouette underneath. It gives you an attitude. It makes a gown look cool.”
Indeed, Rihanna. In-effing-deed.
This season, the blistering cold made it mandatory to rock whatever coat you own. This didn't seem to be too hard, though, considering celebrities like Rihanna and the Kardashians have made the statement coat a, well, major statement. From architectural wonders to edgy remixes on denim classics, the streets of New York were filled with enough coats to make Rihanna very, very jealous. No one man should have all that power, but women on the other hand...You can just feel the power that comes with wearing one of these. We'll chase these coats down any day.
Sure, it looks heavy but man, what a work of art.
The bomb-dot-com.
Serve face while your coat serves face.
Beautiful things happen when rockstar-cool meets fluffy magic.
Yes, we'll take a denim trench any day.
Prep school stunning.
This look comes in peace.
Patchwork perfect.
Screaming over this dream coat.
If only our grade school had baby pink letterman jackets growing up.
Check yourself.
Go ahead, throw a patch party.
It would be a sin not to include Refinery29's Christene Barberich in a slideshow of dream coats.
Color coat, colorful heart.
How adults play with pom-poms.
Take us to Oz!
Swiping right for the stripe.
Unexpected fluffiness goes a long way.
Yes, those are all zippers. Yes, we are obsessed.
Welcome to the jungle.