What The Biggest Beyoncé Stans Really Think About Their Queen
“A true member of the hive NEVER loses faith in Beyoncé”
More devoted than Rihanna’s Navy, Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters, Justin Bieber’s Beliebers (okay, maybe tied with Justin Bieber’s Beliebers) is Beyoncé’s BeyHive.
No fanbase makes headlines as much as they do—usually for not-so-savory moments—nor stans as hard. Their love is fierce; it runs very, very deep, and, sometimes, it comes in the form of commenting a hundred bees under the Instagram photo of someone who had the nerve to disrespect their Queen. They’re ready to pounce, summoned or not.
Eighteen years into her career (and about 13 into her solo venture), Beyoncé has created a fanbase which only grows more devoted with time, and is more of a force than ever. The bigger the star becomes, the more protective her followers get. Now that she's coming off a year where she performed at the Super Bowl, released an hour-long visual album (which was nominated, then snubbed, for four Emmys), and recently completed a world tour, Beyoncé’s at her height as an artist, and, as the Hive will tell you, they're at the height of their fandom.
To find out what that means, exactly, we asked seven worker bees about their unwavering love for Beyoncé. Read what they had to say, ahead.
Odera Igbokwe, Illustrator
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
The biggest inspiration is how she manages to center her work and craft. At the center of everything is the music, and it’s amazing to see how her dedication to her career has taken her to new heights. She dreams it, she works hard, she grinds till she owns it. I think seeing the trajectory of her career, and how all of these pieces have coalesced into such a unique and legendary space, is truly inspiring.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive?
I've been a big fan since her debut with Destiny's Child and "No, No, No." I remember learning the choreography to "With Me" live at the Lady of Soul awards when I was eight, trying my best not to get tongue-tied, and trying to serve some multi-syllable melismatics with "No, No, No" sing-alongs.
Truly, her voice has been part of the soundtrack of my life since I was a child. And each new era brings a new element. It's a blessing to be able to grow and watch her music grow along with [me].
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
I have a concert ritual where if I can be in the front row, I will wait for as long as it takes. And I will make a painted illustration days before, even if it means staying up three days in a row. I've done this during the Mrs. Carter Show tour, and in 2011, I was lucky enough to give her a painting I made of her as she was singing "I Miss You" live at Roseland. I've also been lucky enough to do the same thing for Solange as well!
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
I never lose faith. Time and time again, she outdoes herself, and I've learned to not take her potential for granted. I remember how huge "Single Ladies" was, and I thought Wow, this is a movement. How can she beat this? Then 4 happened with performances like "Run the World" at the Billboard Music Awards. Then Beyoncé happened, and then Lemonade happened. She is constantly pushing the envelope and snatching me by the edges whether I am ready or not. So now, I just know that she will slay no matter what; it's just a matter of how she wants to determine said slay.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
My favorite moments are anytime she goes into that trance state that performers can access, aka going off. Most recently, it'd have to be her dance break during "Formation" at the VMAs.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
I think I heard from the BeyHive that something special was dropping that day. And that Bey had been seen in the streets of New Orleans weeks before. So I stayed glued to my computer refreshing for news. Eventually, "Formation" dropped, and so did my chill. I remember walking outside in Brooklyn on Fulton Street and seeing black women, black femmes, black queers just enjoying their day. And I secretly wanted to interrupt their conversations to talk about "Formation." Like, "Why are you outside? We should all be learning how to slay."
Anonymous Beyoncé Legion Member
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
Her work ethic and strive for perfection. There's no other artist that works nearly as hard as she does. She's very precise, and her vision is always incredibly executed. She motivates me to be that same way in my field. Being the biggest artist in the world yet staying humble and grounded, as well as keeping her personal life private while revealing just enough for the public, are also some of the things that inspire me about her.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive?
For over 10 years now. I've always been a fan since Destiny's Child's "Survivor" days when I was still a kid, but I became a stan when she went solo and started showing people what she's really capable of doing with her talent and artistry.
When and why did you start the Twitter account?
We started the Twitter account and launched our website both in early 2013. The goal was, and still is, to create a place where the BeyHive can find the best Beyoncé content available for them as promptly as possible and to help promote her projects on social platforms.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
Probably traveling to another continent to see her live in concert.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey?
I think a lot of us had doubts during the
era; we were worried about Beyoncé managing herself and being on her own. However, those doubts quickly disappeared the moment she booked the 2013 Super Bowl halftime show and was working on her fifth album,
, which ended up being her most iconic album to date. We have utter faith in the decisions she makes and we completely trust that she and her team know what they're doing.
What keeps you excited?
What keeps me excited is her musical and visual versatility, and knowing that each era will be different than the last. She has an amazing ear for music and knows how to create a cohesive body of work. Beyoncé is constantly growing and evolving, she's never conforming to current pop culture and she's never fit the scene for what is popular. You never know what she'll do next, and that's what makes her so exciting.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
Definitely the surprise release of her self-titled album, and the months leading up to it. That was really an exciting time for us.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
We had actually gotten early access to the "Formation" video, so as we waited to get permission to post the link, we were thinking of what the tweet should be and how we should announce it. We ended up announcing that "it's here!" since people were anticipating a new release from her before the Super Bowl performance with Coldplay. We were also the first account to post it, so it was a great week all-around.
Bryan Dylan Peña, customer service agent
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
What inspires me about B is, of course, [her] self-drive and motivation to do better. B's only competition is herself right now. What she does no one else does. She is under no obligation to do better in any channel of her career because she is the epitome of success and accolades, yet she STILL tries to top herself, and, time after time, she achieves it. Like Jay Z said to B in "Upgrade U," "How you gonna upgrade me, what's higher than number one?"
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
Have my mom call into school on September 4, which is Beyoncé's birthday, and straight-up tell my teacher that I would be out of school because it was a holiday to me.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
Never—not once in my life—have I ever doubted Beyoncé. Not even when the whole divorce episode was happening.
What keeps me excited is knowing that B isn't doing things to have the best record of the year. In this era, she's doing it for the art. Like she said in "Yoncé," "Radio say speed it up, I just go slower." She's not here to chart anymore, she's her for the fans, to share her craft with us. No one in the industry is here to do what made their careers, they are her for the money. Beyoncé has the money, the Grammys, the charting albums, the platinum RIAA plaques. She's here now to have fun and to live her life at the top. That’s what keeps me excited, knowing that B is doing whatever she wants and we are just spectators now to an amazing event.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
My favorite B moment would have to be when she recently had her earring ripped out on stage and simply kept moving on. It reminds me of the time when she got her hair stuck in the fan while she was singing, and didn't even quiver in her voice and got out of it without stopping the show or even the song. Beyoncé is a powerhouse performer. Nobody, besides Michael Jackson, has ever rivaled B. During the Super Bowl, when she fell and didn't stop the show, just worked around it, and instantly got into choreography, and no one but the Hive noticed. In summary, my favorite moments are when she messes up and works seamlessly around it.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
I was waiting for it, patiently. As a true Hive member, I follow all of the biggest Hive Twitter accounts, I have Beyoncé as a ping on Google, so it sends me an email and a notification on my phone whenever Beyoncé is mentioned in any news article online. And, on top of all of that, I make sure I look through the Beyoncé tag every day to make sure I don't miss anything.
Tre Ingram, writer and student
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
There are so many talented artists out right now, but no one compares to Beyoncé when it comes to her professionalism and work ethic. Beyoncé works so hard and is involved in every aspect of her career, making sure everything is perfect. That's inspiring.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive?
I'm 18 now, and I've been down with the Hive since I was in middle school.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
Wait in line over 10 hours to see her. Just standing.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
A true member of the Hive NEVER loses faith in Beyoncé. There are times she leaves us out here with nothing, but we always know what's coming next is going to blow our minds and be worth whatever wait.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
Her 2016 Super Bowl performance. It's truly amazing to see an artist show their solidarity in a movement like #BlackLivesMatter.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
At the time, I was at work, in a drive-thru window. I realized my phone kept vibrating, but I couldn't check it. Then a customer pulled up and told me Beyoncé dropped a video. I told my manager I had to make an emergency call and went outside to watch the video. No regrets!
Ollie Taylor, student and owner of BeyonceCapital.com
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
Beyoncé's hard work and dedication are a huge inspiration for me. She's also very political and woke on what's going on in today's world, which I think is important for any pop star as they've got such a big influence on young people who will change the world in the coming years.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive? When and why did you start the Twitter account?
I've been a Beyoncé fan for pretty much as long as I can remember. My mother tells me stories about how "Lose My Breath" by Destiny's Child was my favorite song, and I would always dance when it came on the radio. I'd say that I truly became a member of the BeyHive in 2014, about the same time that I started the Twitter account.
At first, the Twitter account was to provide people with pictures and throwbacks of Beyoncé before Lemonade and "Formation" dropped, to cure people of "Beyhydration." I felt like I was finally being accepted in a community, something that I hadn't experienced growing up in a homophobic town.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
Hmmm, that's a really difficult one. I've had countless arguments about her, but I think REALLY the wildest thing I've done must've been getting a job, selling some of my old clothes, canceling my cable, and doing bake sales all to get Beyoncé tickets for the Formation World Tour. I finally saw her on July 2, 2016, at Wembley Stadium, which was, of course, lit.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
I've never lost my faith in her, but I've disagreed and disliked things she's done in the past, but, in a way, I feel like that's why I like her so much. She does what she feels is good and correct, and doesn't let people influence her decision once she’s made it.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
Probably the drop of Beyoncé. It came literally out of nowhere and had everyone shook. We honestly had no idea it was coming, and we all got so so so excited. It was a great day for all.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
I was at my friend's birthday dinner, and we had just left the restaurant, and I knew while I was in the restaurant something was going on because I kept getting notifications. When I finally left, I checked my phone to see it dropped! I screamed soooo loud, everyone turned around. I grabbed my friend and got her to listen. Then, when I got picked up from the meal, it was playing on the radio. I felt like she had the whole world shook.
Kendall Gaines, student and creator of #BeyonceAlwaysOnBeat
What inspires you about Beyoncé?
She's hard-working and number one in her craft. She knows how to reinvent herself and remain relevant, while still remaining the same. Also, you never see her in the news being shamed for lashing out or doing rude things to fans. Being such a huge star, it's hard to keep your personal life private, but she has managed to do so. We know exactly what Beyoncé WANTS us to know. Nothing more and nothing less.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive?
I've been a member of the BeyHive since I was five years old. I became a full stan around the
album era. I was even a bee for Halloween when I was four. And that was before I even know who Beyoncé was, so it was faith.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for Beyoncé?
I can say I've canceled many plans just because she was premiering something to the world that night—whether it was a new performance for an award show or a new music video.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
I never really lose faith in Bey, but sometimes I do feel like she takes one step forward and two steps back because of how she promotes music. The problem is she doesn't. Promoting would make her sell more and let more people know what she's doing. She's Beyoncé, so she doesn't have to do much at all, but me being selfish, I want her to outsell all the girls so I can have bragging rights. What keeps me excited is that she doesn't announce anything she does. She kind of just drops things out of nowhere, so it makes you lose sleep sometimes. She started surprise releases of everything from her fifth album to
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
It's hard to just choose one. One of the most memorable, for me, would be the Super Bowl performance. I was so excited for weeks. I would lose sleep just thinking of it. The night still feels surreal. The same feeling of when I've seen her live. Felt like I was in a dream.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
I was at work. I worked at a radio station, and I was on air. I checked my phone and saw TheShadeRoom posted a pic of the new video, and I lost it live on air. I couldn't believe it.
Yacime Carter, student
What about Beyoncé inspires you?
I think it's the way she presents her vision. We don't know much about her, we only know that she is very shy, but when it comes to her art, she outperforms herself. I also learned a lot of about feminism and motherhood by watching and listening to her.
How long have you been a member of the BeyHive?
I identify as a member of the BeyHive since 2011, but she’s always been my idol. I grew up by listening to Destiny's Child and Beyoncé, thanks to my mom.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done for the Queen?
I've done a lot of craziness for Beyoncé. Recently, I followed her on the road of her Formation Europe Tour. I waited many hours in front of her hotel—this how I got my autographs from Beyoncé and Jay Z back in 2014. I was also in a Twitter beef with a TLC member years ago because she was coming for Beyoncé.
Have you ever lost faith in Bey? What keeps you excited?
I think faith is a strong word; I always try to support her. When she dropped “Rise Up” in 2013 for the movie
I was very disappointed. The BeyHive was hard because we were all waiting for an album that [in the end] she gave us months later.
What’s your favorite Bey moment?
I have so many favorite Bey moments, but I think one of my favorites would be the Billboard Awards in 2013. I think it was a defining moment for her career.
Where were you when "Formation" dropped?
The funny thing is that I already knew she was going to drop something, so when she released it, I was not that surprised. I was on Twitter when the video dropped.