lily-rose depp joins molly soda’s latest, weird fashion trend
introducing #bonnetcore
In fashion, what is old is eventually new again and no new trend is more evident of this than fashion’s latest It item: the bonnet. Yes, the headdress favored by babies, Little Bo Peep, and flying nuns is being worn by the Internet’s weird, fashion-forward elite and dominating Instagram feeds thanks to the hashtag #bonnetcore.
Coined by Brooklyn digital artist Molly Soda, the headgear is following a similar pattern to normcore (in-your-face generic) and health goth (monochrome sportswear-meets-fetishism): two fashion trends born online but whose influence is now majorly seen offline on the streets and runways.
First worn by Soda and her friends, bonnets have now begun making their way into fashion editorials. Lily-Rose Depp, daughter of Johnny Depp and the new face of Chanel, wears a modified version of the hat in Oyster Magazine—her first fashion shoot. Diesel creative director Nicola Formichetti has also adopted the trend early and photographed one for his Nicopanda label.
The verdict isn’t out on whether #bonnectcore will catch on, but weirder trends have happened. Don't be too surprised if you see some version of the look walk down the runways this coming Fashion Month. Anything goes in fashion, after all. Get that bonnet life.
(via Dazed)