People Really, Really Want To Get Their Hands On Eclipse Sunglasses
Most coveted accessory of the year
Today’s the day when millions of people will leave their offices early to look up at the sky and witness an event that last happened 99 years ago. That’s right, today’s finally total solar eclipse day.
If it snuck up on you, also, and you’re totally unprepared (for the event but also the surrounding hype), know that you’re not alone. One thing to keep in mind when viewing the monumental occurrence is that you can’t look directly at the eclipse when it’s happening. Doing so can result in burning of your retinas and even blindness. You need special solar filtered glasses and, according to the most reliable source we have to gauge pandemonium across the country—the internet—people everywhere are scrounging to get their hands on a pair.
As Twitter would have us believe, they’re proving harder to get than Kylie’s Lip Kit and Yeezys combined. Lines run blocks long, a ton of places are sold out of them, and some libraries are capping off purchases at four per household. Don’t let FOMO get the best of you just yet. If you’re one of the unlucky procrastinators, you can take your lunch break to make your own DIY eclipse viewer. All is not lost.
As for where you can best view this historical event, here’s a list. And for what’s to come astrologically, here’s some information. And if you’re not confident in your makeshift abilities or this questionable video, and would rather not risk your retinas frying, NASA will have a live feed that you can watch safely, online and indoors. Yay, space!