florence + the machine paints an unhappy family portrait in new video
some chilling stuff
Florence and the Machine’s How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful era has spawned some gorgeous imagery to go along with an already gorgeous album. Welch’s videos have been raw, vulvernable, and more performative than any in extensive oeuvre. We’re witnessing a maturing Welch; a woman dealing with her history and problems head-on, rather than running from them.
The latest visual from HBHBHB is a near 10-minute mini-movie. “Queen of Peace” and “Long & Lost” soundtrack the Vincent Haycock-directed piece. It’s a textured video, and not just in the rumbling Scottish landscape and chunky knits, but in the personal levels Welch peels away. This is no happy family portrait. Welch plays both peacekeeper and victim. The violence that surrounds her ebbs and flows like water—a theme Welch has toyed with her entire career. When it settles, Welch is left alone, but not down.
Experience it all gorgeous, chilling glory below.