I’m loyal to few things, one of which is my mascara. I rarely stray, worried that nothing other than my favorite could ever measure up to my number one: Benefit’s They’re Real. The brush is just big enough to coat and thicken my naturally curly (my best trait TBH) lashes. I can get to va-va-voom with just a couple of extra strokes, but even just two strokes are enough to make my lashes pop. But although Benefit and I have been together longer than any relationship I’ve been in, Glossier has a new product that’s making me consider being unfaithful for the first time in my life.
The cool-girl brand is launching a cool-girl mascara with a cool-girl name: Lash Slick. It’s, what the company calls, “the perfect everyday mascara,” and is the result of testing out 248 different formulations. It uses a Japanese fiber technology to give you lashes that look like extensions, vegan biotin to condition, and natural shine polymers to add sheen. The wand is tinier than I’m used to, but it provides pretty impressive coverage (plus, you’re able to turn it vertically to get to each individual lash) and after only one application, I saw a noticeable difference. It’s water-resistant, not waterproof, but I used it during a particularly sweaty workout last night and was left with nary a raccoon eye.
If you’re a dramatic lash kind of girl, this probably isn’t for you. If you know anything about Glossier’s ethos, it's all about easy, breezy products that help to enhance natural beauty. The brand specializes in no-makeup makeup, if you will, and this mascara gets you one step closer to fitting into its minimalist, millennial pink dream world.
You can pick up “Lash Slick” for $16 at Glossier.