As staunch supporters of independent lines and companies, it pains us to say that in today's commerical landscape, big brands monopolize the beauty industry. And while we love our department store counter brands just as much as the next girl, we sometimes wish that we had the moxie (and cash) to toss them to create some room for fresh, new products. One emerging line that's totally deserving of some shelf space, though, is Glossier. And it appears the rest of the Internet concurs.
Since launching the line in early October, Into The Gloss' Emily Weiss and her gang of beauty misfits have not only revolutionized the beauty industry—becoming the first completely digital beauty brand in history—but have also managed to create a cult following of It Girls (Ali Michael, Phoebe Tonkin, and Taylor LaShae are fans) and social media-obsessed Millennials who go so far as to embroider the company's logos on their jeans and spend hours converting press shots into illustrations. And while the first batch of products focused on skincare and perfecting the no-makeup look, the second phase is all about making a statement in a different way—with ultra-pigmented metallic silver and gold Liquid Foil Liners.
Whether you choose to sweep them across your eyelid, or use them in a tounge-in-cheek way to line your lips, they're perfect for encorporating a little bit of fun (and sparkle) into your holiday makeup look. And at $28 for the pair, they're totally worth out. Plus, they're super small so they'll take up virtually no space in your makeup bag.
Click through the gallery to check out the products. Then order them for yourself here.