Despite what many school administrators believe, testing out different styles, makeup, haircuts, and hair colors is a means of self-expression and experimentation—not a definer of your integrity or talent. Characterizing someone based on their appearance is not only outdated, but also close-minded. And although Halsey has tended to stray from "normal" hair colors and gravitate toward blues, pinks, purples, and greys, that doesn't say anything about her music. And yet, it has become a talking point.
Fed up with the media's focus on this mundane topic, the singer decided to shave her head. "This whole year, I was my hair in every article. The girl with blue hair. The girl with the pixie cut. And now it's. all. gone! Feels good," she explained in a tweet.
While her previous styles haven't indicated much about her, other than the fact that she likes to stand out from the crowd, this definitely does. It says that she doesn't care what others say about her—she's all about the music, and the rest of us should follow suit.