8 Expert-Approved Tips To Help You Get Rid Of A Cold Fast
From our friends at The Zoe Report
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Winter weather is fun and all (chunky knits! Boots! Seasonal hot beverages!), but unfortunately, it also signals the beginning of cold and flu season. Yes, even if you’re militant about washing your hands and avoiding anyone with a hint of the sniffles, you may still succumb to illness. Since nobody has time to be sick, we’ve got the best tips for kicking a cold—fast.
Take magnesium"As soon as a cold hits I tell my patients and their children to get on a daily regimen of hot tea made with magnesium citrate powder and half a lemon, squeezed.
Research and my own personal and professional experience with children and adults has found that the mineral magnesium works as a powerful immune booster. Magnesium increases the activity of the part of the immune system involved in the formation of antibodies (immune response) and acts on cells making them more active in protecting themselves from microbial, bacterial and viral attacks."
Choose the right OTC product"Colds aren't serious, and they'll generally resolve themselves. To speed up the process or mitigate symptoms, there is hope! For an annoying cough, over-the-counter preparations with dextromethorphan (DM) are often the best first line. Many decongestants that help banish symptoms can cause elevated blood pressure with hypertension, and that class of drug also has caffeine-like side effects, causing insomnia if taken too near to bedtime."
—Robert Korn, MD, of Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care
Try the spa"You and your skin don't have to suffer during cold and flu season. I'll do just about anything to get rid of my cooties if I'm feeling down. Our cold and sinus facial begins with inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil to open the nasal passages and help decongest. As we cleanse and steam we perform an acupressure massage focusing on two points around the eyes and two points near the mouth to help further decongest. Lymphatic drainage using sound wave therapy to detoxify and decongest. Cool, grated cucumber eye masks along with cold marble stones to relieve inflammation. We also use pure oxygen inhalation to help with headaches. It really is the best of both worlds. When you're sick not only do you feel horrible but you generally feel like you look horrible. We're going to fix that because beauty should never suffer!"
—Vance Soto, president of Ole Henriksen Face/Body Spa
Avoid dairy"I always advise clients to stay away from dairy if they're struggling with cold symptoms. It's been shown to encourage production of mucus and phlegm, so eliminating it will help you breathe easier!"
—Lauren Kretzer, vegan chef and holistic wellness practitioner
Try acupressure"Certain pressure points in your face can help relieve the discomfort associated with the common cold. The next time you're congested, apply pressure with your fingers to the third eye, or the top of the bridge of your nose, to ease sinus pain. Pressing on your cheek by the outside corner of your nose will also provide some relief."
—Morgan Statt, safety investigator, ConsumerSafety.org
Supplement with chlorella"Chlorella is packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals such as phytonutrients, chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, E, complete vitamin B complex and several amino acids. Chlorella also increases the levels of immunoglobulin A antibody levels within the body.
A study published in 2010 by the Plant Foods for Human Nutrition shows a direct correlation between chlorella and increased levels of IgA antibodies in the body. Chlorella not only protects you, but it also makes your immune system stronger."
—Rebecca Lee, registered nurse and creator of RemediesForMe.com
Turn to turmeric"Turmeric is one of the most studied spices on this planet. The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is treasured for its disease-preventing and tumor-fighting abilities.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric, in addition to honey, has been widely used to treat the common cold, coughs, headaches, sore throats and congestion."
—Rebecca Lee, registered nurse and creator of RemediesForMe.com
Do shots"Feeling under the weather can be a major bummer and derail your workout plans. Sometimes your immune system just needs a boost. When you feel sniffles, a headache or fatigue coming on, we've got just the thing to knock sickness out cold—shots! You heard us correctly. Now line up your glasses—it's five o'clock somewhere!"
The Cold-Buster"Garlic and oregano oil are natural antibiotics that help fight bugs in your system. In fact, studies have found the compound allicin found in freshly chopped garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties to help fight all types of colds. Plus, the cayenne in this recipe will boost your metabolism and increase your body's internal temperature to assist in the battle!"
—Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn, founders of Tone It Up
For one serving, blend the following in a food processor:1/4 tsp oregano oil1/2 lemon, juiced1/4 tsp cayenne1 clove garlic, minced1/2 tsp honeyPinch of Himalayan salt