Lady Gaga Did A NSFW Photo Shoot With A Stuffed Animal
Is it a hint at her new album?
In what might be another hint at her forthcoming sixth album, Lady Gaga posted a series of photos to her Instagram in which she is captured in some very risqué poses with a children’s toy.
[instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BmyYFzyn3CF/?taken-by=ladygaga expand=1]
[instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BmyX_lVnPBg/?taken-by=ladygaga expand=1]
The photo shoot was with photographer Eli Russell Linnetz and prominently features an octopus Beanie Boo in some, um, compromising positions. Wearing a bondage outfit and ‘90s-inspired lip liner, the singer posed with the stuffed animal beneath her backside. The captions simply credited the photographer and gave no hint as to the meaning behind the shots.
W pointed out that the octopus might be an allusion to her upcoming album’s aesthetic, which might also explain the use of tentacles in the opening video for her 2017 Coachella performance.