Twitter is a magical land of newsworthy soundbites, hard-hitting journalism, and absolute absurdity. Some of the best Tweets are the ones too weird or too dad-joke to even share with anyone. The NYLON team pored through our faves (now known as 'likes'?!) and found the ones that left us dying. We're sure you have your picks too, so be brave and RT on.
Too f**king real.
Dave, that escalated at light speed (sorry, SORRY).
BRB, becoming ethereal vapor.
Because ban millenial-hating thinkpieces in 2016.
Almost as bad as having Banksy as your roommate.
Why is this so funny? WHY.
This list would not be complete without the queen of Twitter. Cher, never change.
Me AF.
Never looking at 'gators the same way again.
The look on his face says it all.
Questionable dating advice from Yeezus.
Seems like a logical plan...
We've all been here.
Happy New Year, from Harry Styles.