Proving that sometimes the universe is just, a study has found that Beyoncé has the most followed Instagram account. Using data collected by Socialblade, Business Insider filtered out all the corporate or brand accounts and arrived at a list of the 77 most popular Instagrammers on this little, blue marble we call Earth. At the top end, the rankings hold few surprises for anyone who monkeys with the app—pop stars, actors, soccer players and Kardashians/Jenners dominate. The only unexpected ripple, perhaps, is that with 31.1 million followers, Bey edges out Kim K. by 100,000—a fact that makes us smile but must have a certain rapper-producer-fashion-designer-cultural-nexus furiously calling BI in hopes of a recount.
Take a look at Dadaviz's handy chart below for a visual take on the top 10.