private icon: no doubt
we’ve never been more psyched about the return of saturn.
To celebrate this month's Music Issue, we're looking at more than our favorite new bands--we're also mining our favorite album covers throughout history for a little bit of style inspiration.
Hi, my name is Steff Yotka, and I'm obsessed with
. (The first step to becoming the No Doubt frontwoman is admitting you have a problem, right?)
My Stefani addiction is due to the fact that she was cool before cool was a thing. What I mean to say is that before ever having a top 10 single or a crazed fan following, she was just a regular weirdo from Venice Beach who made her own clothes, dyed her hair crazy colors, and never had a single reservation about fronting a band of boys. She's the antithesis of modern pop stars who are made to look cool
they hit the spotlight. Stefani is the realest of deals.
To me, the apex of Stefani's--and No Doubt's--coolness is the cover of their
Return of Saturn
album. It has
: pink hair, outer space, lipstick, a wedding cake, masks, wigs, coffee, metallic green pants, vertical blinds, and of course a naked Adrian Young. It's like SNL Weekend Update's Stefon's wet dream.
If we could bundle all this rainbow amazingness into one outfit and wear it every day, we would. So here we go, this is everything you need to transport yourself back to 2000 and rock out to "Ex-Girlfriend."