required reading
*nsync reunites!
by liza darwin
Be right back while we go freak out over the news of this *NSYNC VMA reunion. Tearin' up our hearts all over again, you guys… [New York Post]
Kirsten Dunst takes over Rodarte's Instagram this week, so prepare yourself for an overload of prettiness. [Rodarte Twitter]
Game of Thrones actress Sansa Stark has adopted a direwolf in real life! Perk of the job? [Flavorpill]
Clinique rolls out a shade of pale yellow nail polish inspired by its Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion. [Refinery 29]
According to model and NYLON fave Teresa Oman, “You're not partying unless you're dancing.” Agreed! [Oyster]
Got $12,900 hanging around? Uh, obviously. Why not splurge on these Hermes basketballs? [The Cut] –LIZA DARWIN