Peach Is The New App Everyone Is Talking About

But WTF Does It Do?

by erin lukas

If you were on Twitter at all on Friday afternoon, you probably saw everyone talking about Peach. No, the emjoi that also stands as a symbol for a butt wasn't trending—it's a new messaging app by Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann that's "a fun, simple way to keep up with friends and be yourself." 

The app is essentially the lovechild of Twitter and Slack with a homescreen that displays a stream of updates from people you follow. When you sign up for an account, it lets you post pictures and status updates, as well as comment on your friends' pictures and updates. How is Peach different from Twitter, Facebook, or any other messaging apps you use to keep in touch with people? Not much aside from its "magic words" feature, which lets you add GIFs, doodles, and your location to your stream. But you can already do that in most other messaging apps. 

So, do you really need this app and the obscene amount of notifications you're going to get from it? Yes, unless you want to be the only person on Earth who can't "boop" their friends. Watch the video from Product Hunt below to learn what Peach actually does.