project: aloft star
Vote now and help decide the next big thing in music…
Songs have been submitted. Play buttons have been pressed. And after we managed to narrow it down to just five finalists, we want you to help us pick the Project: Aloft Star winner. Because frankly, we just can’t seem to make up our minds. One day it’s between My Body and Teepee while the next day it’s a three way tie between The White, The Sunshine, and Coin. We kind of love them all! But with time winding down, we need to know what you think. So go to, pop in your headphones, and vote for your favorite song in an effort to help crown this years Project: Aloft Star winner. After all, you’ll not only play a role in picking the next big thing in music, but you could win a three-night stay in any Aloft hotel of your choice. Voting ends August 20th, so make sure to act quick. Just don’t be too surprised when you hear the song all over the radio in a few months.