Six Essentials to Biking In the Freezing Cold

by Ben Barna

Biking in the winter is the pits, especially when it's actually cold outside.

It's one of the stupidest things about cold weather. Not only is riding your bike free, but it also counts as exercise. So to go along with the terrible weather, you're also poorer and fatter. That's why we tapped Brian Ruben, Ben Patraglia and Jimmy Standley of burgeoning two-wheeler brand Solé Bicycles, to give us their six essentials to riding your bike when it's freezing outside. 

First things first: before we tell you how you stay warm this winter season, safety is paramount. Remember to always follow the plow (most cities will clear out bike paths of any snow or debris from those crappy winter storms).

1. Everyone knows you ALWAYS need to wear a helmet, but who really wants to ruin your hair day? Well, ever heard of an airbag for your head? Yes, it exists:

Photo courtesy of Hövding.

2. Keeping your head & face warm in snowy places is the best way to prevent a gnarly cold. Smarten up and keep it real toasty with these beanies and face warmers from our pals at Volcom.

Photo courtesy of Volcom.

3. Layers, layers and more layers. We recommend this heavy duty jacket from our buds over at Zanerobe.

Photo courtesy of Zanerobe.

4. A good pair of Cycling boots are simply a must, no questions asked. Thanks PDX compadres Danner x Tanner.

Photo courtesty of Tanner Goods.

5. Spilling you're Holiday breakfast beverage on your morning commute is the worst. Our friends at Bookman seem to agree, which is why they made this very useful cup holder.

Photo courtesy of Bookman

6. And last but not least, no commute is complete without a batch of tunes to vibe to as you take on the day or night. We recommend a little mix series called the Fixtapes , by yours truly :)

Stay warm out there kiddos.


Solé Bicycles