10 Of The Best, Ugliest Shoes You Need Right Now
what are thoooooose?
There are but a few things more satisfying in life than an ugly pair of shoes you love. You know the type we’re talking about: they’re super fashionable, feel super right, but if we’re honest, they’re also not the prettiest. We have a soft spot in our heart for this kind of shoe. Plus, there’s nothing like an ugly shoe to accomplish that whole “fashion forward” thing in one fell swoop. (Or so we tell ourselves…)
Ahead are 10 shoes that meet our ugliest duckling standards. We love these pretty, ugly styles in a big, hurts-so-good kind of way.
Andrew McAteer, Leather House Shoes, $129, available at Kaufmann Mercantile.
NewbarK, Roma II Sandal, $430, available at The Line.
Charlotte Stone, Morley Fringe, $260, available at Charlotte Stone.
Brother Vellies, Denim Babouche, $235, available at Brother Vellies.
MARTINIANO, Glove-Grey, $398, available at LISA SAYS GAH.
Jeffrey Campbell, Merrit in Cream, $155, available at Need Supply.
Rachel Comey, Bixel in Carmine Suede, $414, available at Rachel Comey.
Wal & Pai, Natural Leather Flat, $198, available at ANTHOM.
Loéil, Raya Gold Ankle Boots, $69, available at Loéil.
Proud Mary, Suede & Leather Slide, $198, available at ACCOMPANY.