will’s world: get an exclusive recap of the antm cycle 21 premiere
fyi tyra came down from the ceiling.
It’s here. It’s here. It’s finally here!
That’s right, all of you ANTM boochers and toochers, America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21 has arrived. After six months of endless voting for your favorites, you finally get to see what actually happened.
I have to admit this has been a long and nerve-racking wait, but I am beyond ecstatic to be giving you the inside scoop from every episode this cycle.
#BOYSareBACK Can I get an amen?!
So much eye candy going on this cycle, I can barely handle it.
Walking into the Supperclub to see the oh-so fabulous Cory Wade Hindorff standing on the runway made the whole competition real. For our first runway we were to strut down the catwalk and take a selfie with the LINE App that would ultimately have an impact on our fate in the competition. Is that not the most nerve-racking thing?! I’m all about the Instagram and Snapchat selfies, but being judged on a selfie as a model from the end of a runway? That’s some serious pressure!
Going through hair and makeup and getting ready for the EDM fashion show was a new experience for me. Let alone had I never participated in a fashion show before, this one required us to be half naked! This was the first time we had all seen each other face-to-face and had been able to speak to one another, and let me tell you, the competition was fierce!
Like a goddess falling from the heavens, the Tyra Banks came down from the ceiling to greet the contestants of Cycle 21 in more style than I have ever seen. You know each contestant was going ballistic behind her as she descended (me more so than everyone else). To be in the presence of such beauty and power, you can’t help but swoon. “Hallelujah! I feel like I’m in church!” Miss J showing up and returning to her golden throne as judge was the highlight of this fashion show for me. Miss J is an ANTM legend and all the girls she has worked with in the past were able to learn so much from her and now I will be able to get that same advice. Can you say surreal?!
Let the runway challenge begin!
I’m so impressed with everyone on the runway for this fashion show. It was a tough task to take a selfie at the end of the runway but I think each of us did our thing and made each selfie our own. I hope you all saw my girl Ivy smash that selfie game! Not to mention Mirjana killing it with her walk! The girls definitely brought it for this challenge and you could tell Miss J was taking her notes on each of us. Adam definitely brought uniqueness to the catwalk (never has there been someone growling like a rabid dog--he even got Miss J to join in!). But, I want to know who you thought did the best during this challenge? So comment below!
“Let’s meet our 31 semi-finalists.”
If you thought we were cool, calm, and collected during our first interviews with the judges, think again! Behind the scenes I think each of us were shaking in our shoes (me in my six-inch heels). One by one, you would walk out onto panel and chat with the three most influential people in the fashion industry--no pressure right? Wrong! There were 31 people trying to prove their worth to the judges, putting each of us in a very vulnerable place. But they always say “high risk, high reward,” so we knew we had to pull out all the stops.
What does that risk look like for Will Jardell? Six-inch pumps, y’all.
If I do say so myself, I rocked those heels!
We saw Kelly Cutrone giving Ben a lesson, Raelia the gorgeous #twirgin, and Shei the crazy-fun go-go dancer. Lenox definitely pulled on our heart strings and all I wanted to do was give her a huge hug! We were able to meet each contestant for Cycle 21 and even see some drama unfold! I have a gut feeling the Romeo and Danny fight won’t be over just yet. I have to know who your favorite is so far in the competition. So comment below or tweet me @willANTM21!
Also, what is up with messing with us that much at a bowling alley? Was anyone watching as nervous as we were before each ball was thrown? Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. I was sweating bullets sitting there waiting for my turn. You have no idea if you are what they are looking for in the competition, which made the suspense so much worse. All 31 of us had done our best to put ourselves out there and let the judges see what we had to offer. Some have what it takes to be on top and some don’t. All in all, I think those who stayed in the competition deserved it. It was sad to see nine contestants leave the competition, but hey, this is a competition and I’m here to win.
22 contestants this week and the final 14 will be named next week, so get ready!
I’m so excited to be bring you the inside scoop with each episode. Be sure to watch America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21 on Mondays on the CW.
Log onto nylonmag.com each week for my recap as well.
I can guarantee you that this season is the season to watch!
America's Next Top Model Cycle 21 models!
Welcome back, Miss J!
Hey, ladies!
The Boyz R Back
Ivy's fierce selfie.
Looks like Chantelle and Matthew have what it takes!
Mirjana, killin' it.
Ben's selfie with the LINE App!
Lenox's LINE App creation
My selfie!