Ahhh, November. Snuggly sweaters, cozy nights with hot drinks, and holiday cheer. 'Tis the start of The Season... 'tisn't it?
Between the mysterious effects of daylight savings and the Super Moon and the trauma of the election and death of Leonard Cohen, disoriented doesn't even begin to cover my present state. The facts are these: Winter, the season, doesn't technically begin until the 21st of December, but Winter, the feeling, begins much earlier. And Winter the Feeling gets old fast in NYC. By February it's so cold and gross that all my life decisions will have started to revolve around avoiding slush.
But! This makes it a wonderful time to indulge in my favorite pastime: staying in. Have people come to you. And while you're safe and warm at home, eating spaghetti with your friends and/or pets, you'll want something to look at. Really, people talk about spring cleaning, but in my opinion, winter is also a great time to refresh your home. Indulging in some new art is downright therapeutic and adorning your walls with images that feel comforting and festive can really help you through these literally dark days (hello, 4:30pm sunset).
Click through the gallery below to check out some of my favorites.
Lisk Feng, Winter Snowball, $35, available at Liskfeng.com.
Mike + Doug Starm, alleverythingthatisyousno7, 1_016, $60, available at 20x200.com.
Seonna Hong, You Are Magic print, $24-$105, available at Fab.com.
Kimberley Dhollander, Dreamy Houses Art Print, $19 — $399, available at Urban Outfitters.
Ando Hiroshige, Meguro Drum Bridge and Sunset Hill, $24, available at 20x200.com.
Rifle Paper Co., Art of Seeing Print, $40, available at Rifle Paper Co.
Alreem1221, candle print, $14.56 - $28.08, available at Society 6.
Thoka Maer, Horned Bowl print, $18, available at Society 6.
Erte, vintage print, $25, available at All Things Brooklyn Etsy.
Antique Print Boutique, Vintage Snowflake Print, $48, available at Etsy.
Alex Foster, Sledgers illustrated winter print, $30.65, available at Etsy.
Elijah Voskresenskii, Untitled, $26.50 - $59, available at Artfully Walls.
Lord of Masks, The Huntress, $20, available at Society 6.
Ryan Duggan, Be Prepared print, $20, available at Drug Factory Press
The Cute Brute, snow print, $40 plus shipping, available at @thecutebrute
Milo Trouwborst, Contemplating Woman, $7.08, available at Tictail.
Loris Lora, Happy Holidays / Happy Hanukkah Double Print, $35, available at Ticktail.
Claire Nereim, Winter Fruit print, $50, available at Little Paper Planes.
Print Club Boston, Blue Painted Gems, $100, available at Little Paper Planes.
Michael O’Neal, Red Fox Art Print, $49-$299, available at Urban Outfitters.
Laura Berger, Ceremonies for the Self print, from $35, available at LauraBerger.com.