Indie music almost has this Tuck Everlasting effect where it overflows with nostalgia and keeps listeners feeling forever young. Whether or not you believe this to be 100 percent true, dream pop band Winter definitely embodies this notion.
Comprised of Samira Winter, Nolan Eley, Matt Hogan, Justine Brown, and Garren Orr, the group aspires to "connect others with their inner child by making blissful, beautiful, and ethereal pop music." Today, we're premiering their new single "Dreaming," a track birthed out of a bedroom recording from Winter's 30-day songwriting challenge in 2013.
The tune has a heavy dose of dreamscape that will certainly send you off into an alternative reality. This is the kind of track that's best to put on after a long day as background noise, so your mind can drift into subconsciousness.
Winter is currently working on Ethereality, the follow-up album to their debut LP, Supreme Blue Dream. For now, listen to the track in full, below.