Check Out The Coolest Cold Weather New York Street Style
Cold as fire, hot as ice
As Very Mary-Kate once said, "It's brr." The East Coast has officially entered winter. Temperatures are low, desires to stay in bed are high, but the reality of the latter is a luxury few of us have, because, like, work. So for all of us poor New Yorkers who have to put in work, this means venturing out into the Polar Vortex, wondering why on Earth we keep forgetting to buy a new pair of gloves after losing the other ones on the subway.
But while this reality sucks, it doesn't necessarily mean having to look like the Michelin Man each time—though if that's your vibe, work it and own it. Ahead, 13 examples of how the city that never sleeps tries to stay warm. It's going to be a long and cold couple of months, but at least we'll look good as we shiver through them.
Knee'd that coat!
A strong coat can make athleisure look fashionable.
It's plush.
Ugg! This color story is really where it's at.
Got plaid, you mad?
Scarf me up, Scotty.
A look that gets the Jenna Lyons stamp of approval.
Yes'm in denim.
A study in structure, line, and cropping.
We call this shade Grimace Purple.
Fuzzy lined and feelin' fine.
Gray matters.
When in doubt, neutral it out.