
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Trailer: Jennifer Lawrence, Explosions, ‘80s Hair

what more could you ask for?

by gabriel bell

The new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, just dropped and, man, is it ever an explosion-filled doozy. Yes, in the follow up to X-Men: Days of Future Past, Oscar Isaac is all kinds of blue and all kinds of malevolent in his bid to kill off humanity and, apparently, Manhattan’s east side. Oh, and it looks like he’s turning X-Men evil, too. Generally, it’s pretty dire, but there are upsides.

First off, we’ve got Sophie “Sansa Stark” Turner in her first big-budget movie role as Jean Grey, which is nice. As well, we’ve got Jennifer Lawrence back in the action genre as Mystique. But better and far more important than all of that, we’ve got ‘80s hair and ‘80s style.

Yes, following the ‘70s setting of X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse has found a home amongst the neon and feathered hair of the 1980s. JLaw’s frizzed tresses alone make the choice of era worthwhile. Add to that some actually gripping action, a deadly Olivia Munn, and, yes, more brooding Michael Fassbender, and 20th Century Fox has got our money.

We’ll be happily forking over our $15 when X-Men: Apocalypse arrives in theaters Memorial Day, 2016.