Amidst the sea of overproduced synths and 808s, Zella Day is a breath of fresh air. She's carved out a nice corner of the pop world for herself that's psychedelic, layered, and breezy. Her newest single, "Man On The Moon," is a testament to that.
Following the success of her debut album Kicker, Zella Day skyrockets to new heights with her latest. To call it dreamy would be an understatement. It's a richly textured four minutes that wrap you in the sweet warmth of freedom. Her voice is brimming with confidence and playfulness. "Man On The Moon" is worth getting lost inside.
If not wanting to get off this moon is a problem, then Houston, we have a problem.
"Man On The Moon" will be released on 7-inch vinyl November 18. Zella Day's sophomore album is due next year.