Brie Larson Is Getting A Unicorn To Solve Her Quarter-Life Crisis In New Trailer
'Unicorn Store' marks her directorial debut
Brie Larson needs magic to pull her out of her quarter-life crisis. Fresh off the success of Captain Marvel, Larson makes her quirky directorial debut with Unicorn Store. In the forthcoming Netflix original, Larson plays Kit, "a lonely twenty-something dreamer" who just got kicked out of art school and finds herself trading in her paint and glitter-covered clothes for drab office wear to make ends meet.
"Just when she's resolved to finally put her Care Bears aside and grow up," Netflix describes in a press release, Samuel L. Jackson—The Salesman at The Store—"offers to give her childlike heart its greatest desire," a unicorn. Larson's colorful spirit finds new direction, and she starts figuring out how she's going to welcome this mythical creature into her less-than-suitable home, which sends her concerned parents in a tizzy. Joan Cusack is Kit's mother, who questions her sanity but also offers solace in the face of her art school defeat, saying, "The most grown-up thing you can do is fail at things you really care about."
Larson's directorial debut is all about holding on to the magic of childhood while finding your footing in a world that grew up without you. Unicorn Store premieres on Netflix on April 5. Watch the full trailer, below.