skaiwater & keltiey


Keltiey & Skaiwater Clear Up Relationship Qs On "Kn0"

Watch the Houstonian’s ‘70s-inspired video exclusively on NYLON.

by Steffanee Wang

Keltiey broke out in 2022 with the sped-up pop package, “need.” Combining Jersey club, video game bloops, and digitally distorted vocals, the song exploded on TikTok — but with a caveat: people were sharing her audio without crediting her, causing her to lose out on a lot of official streams and recognition. But people with real talent still manage to find their way. On the 2022 American Music Awards red carpet, Flo Milli publicly shouted out the track with proper credit, giving a coveted co-sign to the burgeoning Houston-based singer. Since then, Keltiey’s followed up with a smattering of loose singles, all building on her bubblegum and internet-birthed pop sound.

Now, she’s back with another one, “Kn0” — an airy, alt-R&B tune featuring U.K. musician and fellow TikTok figure Skaiwater. It’s about having “that” conversation: you know the one, when you’ve been seeing each other regularly for a while, and just wanna know what’s up.

“Like, let’s stop playing, Do you want this or not? No hard feelings, I can move on… just let me kno,” says Keltiey of the track in a press statement.

Unlike her previous releases, “Kn0” strays from the Jersey Club bounce to embrace a looser, more wind-in-your-hair melodic style. Her voice is sweet and breezy, and it echoes the casual intent of asking the big question: “I just gotta know/ always been on my own,” she sings, before reminding him, “I never needed you/ I just want the truth.” Skaiwater answers in kind: “I don’t know what to do/ Same way I fell in love with you.” If only these conversations were just as effortless to have in real life.

The song’s music video, premiering exclusively on NYLON below, mirrors the lax and easy nature of the track. Filmed in L.A. and directed by Whipalo, it shows Keltiey and Skaiwater breezing through the city, vibing on cars, and rollerskating under neon lights, all the while decked out in ‘70s-inspired fashion. “This made the video super easy and fun [to film], but mainly because of my friendship with Skaiwater,” Keltiey says. “We just click and it just flowed!

Watch “Kn0” below and read on to learn more about Keltiey.

What are you up to right now — describe your surroundings.

I’m currently in NYC recording new music. Funny story, we got stuck here with all the flight cancellations, but a plus is I get to work with one of my favorite producers, Dylvinci, because he got stuck here as well!

How did you link up with Skaiwater, and what is the story behind "kn0"?

I meet Skai through TikTok, I’m a fan of his music. “Kn0” is about a person who is wondering “what’s up?” Like let’s stop playing, do you want this or not? No hard feelings I can move on… just let me Kn0.

How did you begin making music?

In my closet using BandLab.

What are 3 words you'd use to describe your sound/music identity?

Empowering, versatile, and fun.

What's the last album you played in full and really enjoyed, and why did you like it?

Cherry Bomb by Tyler, The Creator. I LOVE the instrumentals.