Fashion Meet Zodiac: The Best New Trends For Your Sign
What to wear according to the stars
With Fashion Month drawing to a close, we thought we'd highlight the best of Spring/Summer 2020's trends for each sign.
Chartreuse is a bold AF color. No matter how many Zara storefronts are going to be boasting this restless shade of green, anyone wearing it is guaranteed to stand out. Truth is, Aries are often much bolder on the inside than they are on the outside. Some spend their life growing into the space they're meant to take up in the world. But, when an Aries is ready and raring to go, you'll find them very susceptible to bright colors. Best of all, any Aries worth their fire is a magician at transforming a trend into a look that is entirely and uniquely their own.
Chunky Boots
I thought about this for a bit because, truthfully, when it comes to style, Taurus people tend to cultivate a quality over flash persona. You'll often find them wearing linens and long drapes, designer T-shirts, and Patagonia pants that have a lifetime guarantee. That said, a Taurus can and will appreciate beauty. They're the type to study fashion meticulously and curate a dream vision for the boss babe they want to look like. Stylish but not frivolous, a Taurus boss is most definitely a boss in some chunky boots not so different from their hoofed animal symbol.
My friend Rose and I have a podcast called Big Dyke Energy, and one of our favorite games to play when we record to together is called Top Bottom Vers. Rose mentions a triad of patterns or items, and I guess which one indicates a top, a bottom, or a vers. Yes, this is about sex and, yes, this is what queer people do for fun and, yes, zebra-print is most definitely a bottom fabric. What I'm saying is, zebra is an inscrutable, wild, and playful pattern that belongs to the kind of person who is very good at receiving. Well, good thing Geminis are mutable, because whether or not a Gemini is a top, bottom, or vers in their daily life, one of their many personalities will figure out a way to make this pattern work for them.
The idea of a Cancer, well known for being cozy home-bodies, in a breath-restricting garment might seem antithetical to you but, hear me out! Cancers are not just rom-com-watching ice cream guzzlers! They are also sex magicians and queens of self-reinvention. Cancers adore erotic play, and they get quite a kick out of trying on a sexy-vampy person for one night only.
Besides, the truth is, Cancers kind of need something to encase them from the outside and keep all their mushy sweetness protected at the center. What's better than an accessory that they can wrap around their middle when the night begins and fling off ecstatically when the night ends—letting their soft flesh free in the safety of their cocoon?
Listen, to be honest, I find wearing a floppy blanket around difficult to get behind. But, I'm pretty sure if I had to imagine a human being that could make it work, it would be a Leo. Leos (especially Leos with Venus placements) love playing around with fashion, and they're just as playful as they are sentimental. What's more sentimental than an afghan? Plus, Leos are quite sensitive to trends, although they'll never admit it, and if they spot a crochet item enough times out of the corner of their eye, they're bound to get ideas. Make sure that the cut flatters them and the colors are just a little vintage and you'll see a Leo in a crochet this fall looking like it's the lightest, most breathable outfit in the world.
Rejoice, Virgos, there's finally an on-trend way to haul everything you could have ever needed or hoped to need from the piles that rule your home, to the clutter that rules your car, to the world beyond—without ever ruining the smooth line of your human suit. Of course, you might resist this forecast at first, you might be the kind of Virgo who did a lot of research on the kind of bag that works best for you. You might be very attached to one vintage medium-sized bag you inherited from your grandmother. That's fine. After all, only Virgos know what Virgos need, and that is fact—of which Virgos have many. Virgo, you can put all your facts in your giant bag!
Body Chains
Of all the signs in all the Zodiac, Libra is the most equipped to handle the messy fragility of body chains. Sure, there exists the occasional belly chain, the tender tether that runs from a choker down to a belt. Those, too, are a graceful venture toward metallic excellence. But, body chains—plural—are a particular pleasure. The strain of one length of metal against another, the clanging, shine, and perpendicular angles. Libra, the sign of balance, will know how to handle the conundrum that is a multi-layered necklace. She will have enough patience and commitment to beauty to excuse herself to the restroom repeatedly and untangle each knot promptly as it forms.
Teensy Bags
These little bags are a signal to all around you that you are both mysterious and interested in mystery. What, if anything, fits into a bag that small and why—if you have already chosen to carry a bag—wouldn't you choose something a little bigger, something that might easily sway on your shoulder, perhaps? These bags are for one tube of lipstick, a phone, and a ~~forbidden~~ vape. A tiny satchel concealing five doses of MDMA and a travel bottle of Evian face mist. One satchel with a ring of keys that do not belong to the woman who carries the satchel. Do you know who such a teensy sack of secrecy is a bat signal for? Scorpios. Scorpios everywhere.
So-Cal Surfer Chic
I guess we can just decide this is a Sagittarius situation. After all, surfers are sporty in a non-committal sort of way. And, tie-dye is a nostalgic fabric choice Sagittarians will find both conventional and subversive, a combination they can revel in. For all their adventuring, both around the world and through the dark corners of their psyche, Sagittarians prove reluctant to change their style. After all, they'd rather spend the energy changing their mind. Admittedly, one reason it seemed more than appropriate to label this trend a Sagittarian situation is that it sort of reminds me of femme queers navigating all-women's college dorms and pseudo pajama parties that turn into beer pong slosh fests: a Sagittarian paradise.
'80s Power Suit
I'm not ashamed to lean into a stereotype. When the shoe fits and that shoe is a pump or a pointed-toe boot that perfectly accentuates the elegant cut of an '80s power suit, why wouldn't I let a Capricorn wear it? Capricorns rule the house of public image and career, after all. They mean business, and nothing says "mind your business" like an expensive suit that is not the least bit interested in showing off a human's shape. Shapes are private, and the likes of these runway looks make that fact abundantly clear. In a Capricorn world, we are all triangles, rectangles, and squares, doing our goddamn jobs in the goddamn world. Until the workday is over, that is, and the blazer is shrugged off to reveal bewitching black lace lingerie underneath.
Revamped Gingham
There's something about gingham that I find deeply uninviting. In all scenarios where gingham is expected, from diner curtains to a country house settee or an exhibit on the vestiges of the Oregon Trail, I find it disagrees with me. Perhaps, there is something of a protest in the immigrant mind against all kinds of Americana. The understanding that gingham is never too far from a Confederate flag or at least a gun that is more protected than a child can hope to be. That said, looking at the trend of gingham reimagined and revamped, I couldn't help but think of Aquarians. Only a humanitarian witch like an Aquarius could lift this dowdy pattern up off the red dirt ground and make of it something entirely new, something like resistance.
Dainty Lace-Up Sandals
Alright, I'll admit, this one's a wild card. It might seem fitting on the surface, of course, since Pisces rules the feet. And, what draws attention to the feet more than a sandal that is made entirely of twine and good faith? Aren't all Pisces essentially just endless twine and good faith coiled inside the body of a glittering, unknowable, aquatic craniate? Two craniates even! More whisper than shoe, this trend lives on a hope and prayer. That there's enough length in that pleather lace to traverse a thick and juicy calf, that you've tied that pleather tight enough to keep your sole safe, that your toes won't go spilling out on all sides and causing you indignity. In fact, it's the intense amount of exposure, the possibility of podial harm, that makes me wonder what self-loving Pisces would dare to adorn themselves in such a sandal. But, then I remember that all Pisces have a secret yearning for a pain they have not known, and the wondering subsides.