Jerry Harris From 'Cheer' Will Mat Talk Us Through This Pandemic
Can Jerry's mat talk save us?
It turns out living through "a moment in history" is certifiably wretched. As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps us locked in our homes and every piece of news surrounding the virus' impact seems worse than the last, it's bound to cause some sadness and anxiety. Luckily, Jerry Harris, the literal ray of sunshine from the Netflix docuseries Cheer, has some words of wisdom that will hopefully quell some of this era's heavier emotions. Known for his "mat talks," which is cheerleader lingo for enthusiastic and uplifting pep talks, Harris took to Instagram with his signature positivity.
"I know this is a hard time for everyone right now, but I don't want you guys to think of this as a negative or bad time. Think of this as a time to reboot, recharge our mental battery, and reconnect with family," he said. "This is not going to last forever and it'll be over before we know it and we'll be able to resume our normal lives how they were. I want you all to stay focused on what's good and happy and always keep an attitude of gratitude. And always be strong. Because at the end of the day, we got this."