NYLON Nineteen
You Can Find Ashley Park At The Nearest Taco Bell Cantina
Emily in Paris actress Ashley Park brings her on-screen spark to the NYLON 19.
In real life, Ashley Park has a habit of falling asleep at parties. “I think I just feel so comfortable and safe when everyone is having a good time around me and I’ll just take a power nap,” she tells NYLON. “But my friends know that when I need the power nap, if they let me be for 8-10 minutes, I’ll always resurrect with a second wind and third wind and eighth wind. Park certainly brings that eighth wind energy to Emily in Paris, where she plays Mindy Chen, the life of the party heiress turned au pair who is pursuing a singing career and befriends Emily when no one else will.
We’ll still have a wait to bit to see Park resurrect the theatrical glam of Chen; Emily In Paris season 2 has finished filming and premieres sometime in 2022. But in the meantime, Park is filming an upcoming movie alongside comedian Sherry Cola in Vancouver, B.C., where she’s recently been spending a lot of time watching videos of Broadway reopening and getting DMs about squash, which she’s learning how to play for the role.
Below, Park answers the NYLON 19, revealing her first AIM screename (which there’s some drama behind that may or may not involve an Avril Lavigne lyric), her love for Celine Dion, and her Taco Bell Cantina obsession.
1. What’s your astrological sign (and do you believe in it)?
I’m a Gemini, with a moon in Pisces and Leo rising. I think I do believe in it and the characteristics track for me according to what I’ve read in my Co-Star app. I’ve started to love hearing other people’s astrological signs and how they relate to their chart’s traits!
2. Do you believe in ghosts, (and have you ever seen one)?
Please, no, no! I’m the biggest scaredy-cat. Sudden noises and honestly being in the dark alone scares me so please please no ghost stories please. I really hope I never see one, but if I do, I want to formally apologize to that ghost for my reaction and for passing out. It’s not you, dear ghost, it’s me.
3. What’s your go-to drink order? (And if it's boozy, what’s your go-to hangover cure?)
My favorite cocktail to make at home now is a splash of Ketel One Botanical Grapefruit & Rose Vodka mixed with Pamplemousse La Croix, and I’ll add a mint leaf or two if I’m feeling fancy. And I always have a box of Ketel One Botanical Peach & Orange Blossom spritzes in my fridge! I’ll usually follow that with some mint tea at night to relax before bed, and a green juice with ginger in the morning to kickstart my day.
4. Who would be the three headliners of the music festival of your dreams?
Celine Dion. Beyonce. ENHYPHEN. BTS. Louis Armstrong. Joni Mitchell. The Beatles. Blackpink. Rihanna. Yo-Yo Ma. Bob Marley. Ugh, I want them all. I miss music festivals! Celine Dion. Celine Dion. Celine Dion.
5. What's the weirdest snack that you make?
It’s not a snack, but I could put mayo on everything and it’s NOT WEIRD.
6. What's a bad habit of yours that you've been meaning to fix?
I don’t think it’s a bad habit necessarily, but there’s definitely a pattern of me falling asleep in the middle of parties, dinners, and fun nights out. I think I just feel so comfortable and safe when everyone is having a good time around me and I’ll just take a power nap. It’s not so great when I’m mid-conversation, so trying to fix that. But my friends know that when I need the power nap, if they let me be for 8-10 minutes, I’ll always resurrect with a second wind and third wind and eighth wind.
7. What was the last internet rabbit hole you went down?
Every video of Broadway reopening. Rehearsals starting, theaters raising their curtains again, my friends in the Broadway community getting to be on stage and work again after a year and a half of the entire industry shuttered. I can’t even express how much it makes my heart soar.
8. Describe your worst date in three words.
Like a calendar date? “Day After Thanksgiving” because it’s 364 days until another Thanksgiving meal and also none of my clothes fit. Or like a date date?
9. What was the last DM you received?
I just got a lot of DMs and reactions to my Squash lesson videos. I’m learning to play for the movie I’m currently shooting in Vancouver and I’m kind of obsessed with Squash now.
10. If you could be in any music video, what would it be?
One for the collab I did with Freddy Wexler. More on that soon, stay tuned.
11. What is your favorite fast food place, and what’s your order?
Taco Bell has never failed me (except for that one time but let’s not talk about it). Chalupas are life. When I was in Mean Girls on Broadway, they opened a Taco Bell Cantina a block away from our theater which was the best and worst thing to happen. But if I’m in a state that has In-N-Out, you can find me there with Animal Style Protein Style Cheeseburger and Animal Style fries with extra Animal Style sauce. Also, Oreo McFlurries just always hit the spot.
12. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Mulan, The Lion King, Tarzan… all the Disney animation classic films without scary witches in them. My first crush ever was on Aladdin and Kid Simba, they seemed feisty and like they were a good time. And at age 3, I didn’t really get that humans couldn’t date cartoons or lions. And The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. Still one of my favorites.
13. What was your teenage AIM screen name? What lyrics would make up your AIM away message today?
ADramaQueen218. 218 was my home room number in middle school. And it rhymed with adramaqueen? The only lyrics I can think of right now are Avril Lavigne’s ‘Sk8er Boi’ because in 6th grade outside of the aforementioned Home Room 218, a girl sang the “sorry girl but you missed out, well tough luck that boy’s mine now…” section to me at my locker, after she started dating/stole my bff/boyfriend. It was a sad day in middle school. But then he came out of the closet a few years later, so joke’s on her (and me)!
14. What's your favorite meme/internet joke and why?
Any meme that Sherry Cola posts or sends me. We’re currently filming in Vancouver and my inbox is a constant flow of relevant memes from Sherry. I don’t have a favorite, the internet is treacherously creative these days. I’ve never had a meme sent to me that I haven’t laughed at or appreciated at face value. I’m an equal opportunist for memes I guess.
15. What is your best beauty tip or trick?
My mom has always said, “sleep does wonders.” Mostly because ever since I was a baby, I’ve never slept enough. But these past couple years, I’ve definitely started prioritizing and loving sleep-time. And mom was so right, because skin and soul never glows more than after a good nights sleep. I’m also a huge fan of giving myself a face and neck massage in the morning with ice and jade rollers, gua sha, and serums. Not only does it get all your stagnant blood and lymphatics moving, but it’s hydrating and makes you feel awake and ready for the day!
16. What is your favorite red carpet look of all time worn by someone else?
J. Lo’s Versace green dress from 2000 Grammys…and then the recreation 20 years later. The moment was representative of continuously pushing the needle forward, the power of women, timeless fashion storytelling, and truly owning oneself and a lewk.
17. What is one thing everyone should buy that is under $10?
A reusable straw and a hug.
18. What piece of clothing from high school do you wish you kept?
All of my mid-calf leggings. I think I had them in every color and wore those with everything: shirts, dresses, skirts, jeans, you name it. Just an extra layer of cotton always protecting ya. Are those back in style? No?
19. What reality show would you most like to appear on?
Ninja Warrior if I could do literally ANY of the things that they do. Running Man is my favorite Korean reality tv show, that’d be fun! They have guests every week and play all sorts of games. Or Chopped Junior as a judge! How are those kids so talented? Wait, but actually, watching young people be super stressed with knives and hot stoves would make my heart panicked and sad, and I’d probably not do a great job because I’d fully cry if I had to tell a kid that their soufflé was inedible. But being a host of any cooking reality show sounds fun. The contestants are all pretty jolly and lovely over at The Great British Bake Off.