December 2021’s Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius Reveals Your Higher Destiny
2021’s final eclipse wraps up a two year saga across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis with a fated spiritual awakening.
On Saturday, December 4, a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius closes out 2021, and a two-year eclipse cycle of false truths and personal “freedoms” gone too far. In the brief moments when the moon blocks out the sun’s light, we’ll have to pick up and lead our own way, through the wisdom and lessons we’ve learned over the last two years. Here’s how to make it through 2021’s final eclipse.
Following the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 21 comes the total solar eclipse on December 4. This time, the moon will come between the sun and earth, entirely blocking out the sun’s rays for a few minutes in a burning corona of fire. Though this eclipse will only be visible from the far reaches of the southern hemisphere — namely, Antarctica — its effects will be no less reverberative as we close out the year.
Though December’s astrology provides plenty of opportunities to stack up your 2022 manifestation board and transit calendar, eclipses are not a time for constructive thinking. The moon symbolizes our interior, feminine spirituality, and when it blocks out the dependable radiance of the sun, it’s a cut in the feed, a blur in reality, a moment in time when the gates all come down. An eclipse is an opening, through which you can clearly see the higher powers and demonic elements who have really been running your life all this time, and, maybe, a possibility of a wild new future. A new year is on its way. And this is the door through.
It’s no coincidence that Thanksgiving, the holiday of familial confrontation and dinner table diplomacy goes down during Sagittarius season, the nexus point when the political becomes personal, theory becomes praxis, and we are defined by our beliefs. Sagittarius arrives to direct our spiritual and intellectual expansion far beyond anything we’ve known. This is the sign of bravery and adventure, independence, and awakening. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, planet of synthesized wisdom, which over the last year has been working through the global-oriented Aquarius to learn how best to serve a changing social reality of vaccines, new technologies, and currencies. This is an exciting time to feed the Sagittarian hunger for knowledge.
But like a privileged college protester or overeager cult member, Sagittarius can often go too far with too little information. Everything is a political stand, and the spirit to dare becomes a maverick contrarianism. At this point, anytime someone claims their “personal freedom,” it usually means they’re buying a firearm or opposing public health mandates. The last eclipse in Sagittarius went down on Memorial Day. Vaccines had only just become widely available, and, after a global lockdown and a racial reckoning, it was time to reenter some version of the real world. Set in Gemini season, this eclipse forced a reconciliation between the ideological (Sagittarius) and the practical (Gemini). No matter how we’d fashioned ourselves over the previous year, we’d have to make some compromises to work and interact with people again.
Gemini and Sagittarius have been dueling on the eclipse stage since 2020, inspiring negotiation between high ideals and daily reality, beliefs and rituals. The final eclipse in the saga represents a synthesis point, a final download of the data that matters. You’ve tried on different identities over the past two years: nascent activist, unsolicited public health expert, TikTok celebrity, conspiracy theorist. What sticks, going into 2022? Sagittarius seeks the highest wisdom, the guru waiting at the top of the mountain. What have your experiences taught you? How have they shaped you? As we enter a new cycle of eclipses, between Taurus and Scorpio, through 2023, what you know will become what you’re worth.
“If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule, there would only be you and your memories...the choices you’ve made and the people you’ve touched.” Donnie Darko’s therapist knows her sh*t! When the sun goes momentarily dark, the noise cuts out, and we’ll have to take with us what’s on our backs. Like the cowboy skipping town at the end of the movie, Sagittarius packs light, carrying with it the lessons it has learned. Before Jupiter moves into Pisces on December 28 and sets off a 2022 of oceanic spiritual and creative expansion, this is the moment to get clear on what you bring into the next dimension.
What is your north star? Where are you headed? What are the values which direct you forward? What is your higher power, your greatest destiny? And who can you count on to join you on the great odyssey? In a world with no sun, you’ll have to call on something greater to guide you. Whatever desires, dreams, or urges make themselves known over this period are not to be ignored. If your job, your relationship, your gender or your spiritual life feel like shackles, pay attention to what you’re wanting to change. Whatever the eclipse reveals has already been unleashed; your only work is to consciously integrate the call into a clear directive for your future.
You’ve come a long way over the last two years, and this eclipse will definitively remind you that there’s no going back. 2022 promises to be big. This is a point of closure, to realize who you’ve become before the next saga begins. Embrace the voices that invite you through the portal; if you’re brave enough, you may be ready to join your masters at the summit.
This article was originally published on