This New Dating App Makes It Easy To Be A Girl's Girl
Help your pal craft a pithy one-liner, or roast a crusty man together.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman with disposable income, many personal charms, and mental stability will seek companionship on a dating app (unless she’s Reneé Rapp). There, she’ll encounter... not bears, but now, at least she won’t have to enter the proverbial forest alone.
With the new dating and social app Rizz, you can invite your friends to watch and comment directly in a chat instead of having to scurry back and forth between platforms with screenshots of every development. Simply make a profile by recording a video or audio prompt — that’s one of the brand’s conceits — create a group, invite your pals, and you basically have the Potsdam Conference, but it’s not because you’re all just deciding if Tyler’s tone was a little bit too aggro. And while the brand touts this function’s entertainment purposes, along with the potential advent of Rizz “influencers” known for their hot takes on randos’ conversations, think of the other possibilities: Getting the think tank together to come up with a wine bar that serves nice food (but not tapas) with vegan and gluten-free options that’s exactly equidistant to both parties’ neighborhoods. Collectively roasting a man with blurry photos and a height complex (he started it). Being able to inform the aforementioned roastee that in a survey of 43 women, 43 women agree that he’s a pig.
Two critical points: Potential love interests won’t be able to see any behind-the-scenes discussions about their game (or lack thereof), and Rizz is still very much in soft-launch mode, so we can’t attest to the quality of users, many of whom have signed on through word of mouth. But what we can highlight is the eavesdropping feature, which could very well make dating as a woman feel safer and maybe even more fun, whether you’re on the front lines or just there to lend your support.