
What Exactly Is Quantum Energy Wellness All About?

The buzzy practice is touted as a wellbeing booster — but what is it?

by Jana Pollack

If you’re the kind of person who loves a good yoga class and has a collection of moonlight-charged crystals sitting by their journal, then the chances are good that you’ve at least heard of the concept of quantum energy wellness. But for those who haven’t, read on for a beginner’s guide to the wellness practice that’s touted as a way to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

What Is Quantum Energy?

Simply put, quantum energy is the energy that exists in everything — in your cells, and in the world around you. It can also be concentrated and placed in objects to act as a bridge to better health. This is where the practice of quantum energy wellness comes in: it’s the idea that interacting with quantum energy (via quantum energy-infused objects) can have a key impact on how we feel.

Wellness Benefits Of Quantum Energy

There are many benefits of using quantum energy, but the one you’ve probably heard most about has to do with EMFs, or Electromagnetic Fields. EMFs refer to the radiation associated with almost all the technology we’re around every day, from power lines, to microwaves, to WiFi routers. Quantum energy can play a key role in minimizing the effects of EMFs on your body.

Exposure to quantum energy has also been shown to help the cellular production of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, which is the energy source for all living cells. More ATP can mean higher energy levels. Finally, “charging” your water with quantum energy could improve the molecular structure of the water and improve the water’s quality. That means that not only does the water taste better, it also may be a more effective source of hydration and a strong provider of renewed energy.

How To Try Quantum Energy Wellness

It’s likely that most of what you already include in your wellness routine — things like exercise, good sleep hygiene, eating well, and staying hydrated — you do to stay healthy, improve your energy, and feel revitalized. Quantum energy fits right in. It’s an easy way to keep positive frequencies a part of your daily life, and, like the rest of your efforts, it can help you become more stress resistant and able to enjoy the present moment.

Sound pretty good? Get started with your own quantum energy wellness practice with any of these quantum energy-infused products from Leela Quantum Tech.