Nylon Nights
Go Inside NYLON’s New York Fashion Week Party With Our Live Blog
From the first Paris Hilton sighting to the last surprise, all in real(ish) time.
If the morning-after recaps and many, many photos weren’t enough, this New York Fashion Week, we’re bringing you directly into the fray at our latest NYLON Nights party via... live(ish) blog. With by-the-minute updates from the dance floor, the front row during Paris Hilton’s live performance, the Paris Hilton-wrapped bathroom (a very real series of words), and all the darkest, most rife-with-tea corners of the historic venue, NYLON Managing Editor Chelsea Peng will be updating this post all night long. So approximate your own Absolut Sliving Cosmo and get ready to hit refresh.
8:48 p.m.
It is considered very poor form to be the first to arrive at a party and perhaps even worse to be the last to leave. Tonight, there’s a 95% chance I will be doing both (it’s fine — I’m technically working).
Two blocks away from the venue, I begin seeing women in netting dresses taking photos by some government buildings. Zero blocks away, that number compounds tenfold with a double-headed line.
9:03 p.m.
Overheard: “I had 13 drinks at the last one.”
9:13 p.m.
Rebecca Minkoff, who was also made to wait, and I enter the party, where we’re greeted by go-go dancers in faceted-gem bodysuits.
9:18 p.m.
Paris Hilton, in a gradient pink strapless dress, gamely poses in front of the MCoBeauty ice cream parlor. She looks remarkably well moisturized.
9:21 p.m.
She moves to the Absolut bar, and the demicircle of phtoographers and guests follows. She now holds an Absolut Sliving Cosmo.
9:27 p.m.
My vision has returned, so I can only assume Hilton has run out of items to hold or has disappeared to prepare for her set. I make my way over to the four-wheeler-size HEYDUDE shoe whose fuzzy-bucket-hat handlers are coaxing people to sit inside. Nearby, a line has formed for the Sally Hansen photo booth.
9:35 p.m.
A guest in a shredded tutu and biker boots asks the motorola razr space cadets/greeters to take several ‘fit pics. Around the corner, artist Marissa Confair hand-affixes rhinestones to more HEYDUDE shoes (normal size) to make a fully bedazzled pair for Hilton.
9:43 p.m.
Two very good accessories: a JW Anderson pigeon clutch and Remi Bader with a personal electric fan
9:47 p.m.
I’ve found the alcove where the 8-feet-tall replica of the ICONIC by Paris Hilton perfume bottle stands like an obelisk. A quintet in gold and black gowns give their all for the Polaroid wielded by an attendant in — what else? — pink.
10 p.m.
Downstairs alongside massive posters of Hilton cradling the new motorola razr family, I’m invited to scan a QR code to enroll in “Bad Bitch Academy” (it leads to Hilton’s TikTok). The gallery leads to a completely mirrored room in which gens motorola is displayed in light-up vitrines.
10:12 p.m.
“Youre the only busy person who wants to go to things like this,” said outside the house that the new motorola razr and motorola razr+ built.
10:30 p.m.
The rattan cafe chairs at the MCoBeauty scoop shop are now occupied by attendees reviewing their content and concentrating very hard on captions. We’re all united by the simultaneous promise and horror of the blinking cursor.
10:37 p.m.
Mia Moretti, with whom I once did caviar bumps in Aspen, takes over the stage from Beau Cruz. Behind her, there’s a bit of ironic fist-pumping. Fernando Garcia of Monse walks by.
10:44 p.m.
“Oh my God, it has a mirror,” a guest in corseted leopard says of the MCoBeauty lip glosses being handed out by the toilets under a balloon arch. (They are marshmallow scented and also light up — “iconic,” another partygoer says as she applies. Everyone agrees they’re extremely cute.) Inside the women’s toilet, full-on photo shoots are taking place in front of the “Sliving”- and “Loves it”-branded mirrors. Those using the men’s linger, looking a bit envious.
10:59 p.m.
Nicky Hilton emerges in a backless, sparkly pink dress with a hood.
11:03 p.m.
A graphic timer counting down to Hilton’s set pops up on the floor-to-ceiling screens, and the crowd huddles by the black curtains that obviously stand between them and a good view.
11:14 p.m.
The curtains part, and some guests in suits run to the concert area, which is set up with a catwalk. “Nice and slow,” the security guy outside VIP cautions as if NYLON Style Editor Kevin LeBlanc and I were about to tiptoe into the lion enclosure at the zoo.
11:22 p.m.
Tina Craig and the rest of Nicky Hilton’s group pull their poufs closer together, which must be the fashion version of circling the wagons.
11:25 p.m.
Nicky Hilton does a body roll.
11:35 p.m.
Nicky and Kathy Hilton relocate to the foot of the runway, stopping for photos with the audience along the way.
11:44 p.m.
Someone starts a “Paris, Paris” chant.
11:46 p.m.
A sheer pink curtain drops, revealing Paris flanked by four dancers in pink foil sweatsuits printed with “Bad Bitch Academy” in glittery font on the backs. Take a wild guess as to what song she performed.
11:50 p.m.
Kathy Hilton appears to tear up during “Stars Are Blind.”
11:56 p.m.
Paris (forgive me — I’m only doing first names now) signals that she’s switching to a DJ set by putting on diamanté headphones and plays “We Found Love” that transitions into “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” She only knows bangers.
12 a.m.
Ever the consummate professional, she also never stops smiling. Nicky joins her in the booth, then Kathy, now wearing dark sunglasses. A guest in low-rise jeans sprints back to their spot to get the shot.
12:06 a.m.
Nicky hops on the mic to inform the room that Infinite Icon has been out for six minutes. And that she and her sister are born and bred New Yorkers.
12:18 a.m.
She finally plays Charli (“Guess”) and flips out a motorola razr.
12:22 a.m.
There appears to be an impressive stash of bejeweled props behind the decks — so far, we’ve seen a Hello Kitty mirror and a tumbler that Nicky drinks from.
12:27 a.m.
12:28 a.m.
“Let’s turn the f*ck up,” Mega says after introducing Paris as the “baddest bitch” and the “OG hot girl.”
12:32 a.m.
After another round of “Bad Bitch Academy,” Paris and Megan pose for photos. Nicky hugs Megan as they dance to “Murder on the Dancefloor.”
12:35 a.m.
In a crossover between the last two NYLON parties, Paris plays Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten.”
12:42 a.m.
Tiffany Haddish is now onstage. I am not entirely sure why, but she seems to be enjoying this rendition of the “man in finance” track.
12:53 a.m.
Paris says it’s been “so incredible and so special” celebrating tonight before launching into Icona Pop, picking up her tiny heart-shaped bag, and absconding for the VIP section for more photos.
1:06 a.m.
Pizza is handed around. A man sits hunched over on one of the go-go dancers’ stages, his silhouette backlit in fluorescent pink. Another guest clambers out with four HEYDUDE boxes.
We all scatter in search of home or another slice or the next party, but as I exit and climb into my waiting Uber, there’s still a persistent group trying to negotiate their way in. “Don’t you remember?” they ask. The night, we most certainly will.