These 12 Memes About The Solar Eclipse Are So Accurate It Hurts
The shade is real
It's no secret that with every great event, come even greater memes. Because of them, we found out new ways to #WasteHisTime last year and learned that Jared Kushner was (and still is) a terrible man-child. So it should come as no surprise that today, during the historic total solar eclipse, the internet would do as it does by providing us with some of the most hilariously relatable memes we've seen yet.
So if you couldn't get your hands on a pair of eclipse glasses, don't worry. Instead, feast your eyes on some of the funniest memes to come from this momentous occasion, below.
Name a more accurate depiction, we'll wait.
Wise words courtesy of Best Coast frontwoman Bethany Cosentino.
*stares until eyes catch on fire*
A peek won't hurt!
Spoiler alert, this is how the Eclipse truly ends.
#TFW you're T-Swift, and you just have to eclipse the eclipse.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops.
Can relate.
An important PSA.
Millennials strike again.
Because you can never be too safe out here.
Yikes, messy.