Lorde: singer, #1 recording artist, The Hunger Games soundtrack curator, makeup collaborator, and now...South Park character? Yes, you read that right. For the past two weeks, the Comedy Central animated series has featured the 17-year-old at the center of its episodes—not in the most conventional or flattering light, mind you (the joke is that Stan's father is Lorde in disguise). Still, the singer is taking it all in stride, writing "i have officially been the subject of 2 south park episodes and that is weird and cool" and "i don't actually watch south park but from what i can tell sia was involved and someone's mum said something really nice about me.. score!" in a series of tweets. And now, she's even performing her South Park-approved song, "I am Lorde, Ya Ya Ya," on New Zealand's TV3.
So Lorde has officially joined the ranks of Britney Spears, Kanye West, Michael Jackson, and almost every other celebrity culturally-relevant enough to be parodied on South Park. Watch the two episodes below and let us know what you think of her new "role" and then listen to her "Ya Ya Ya" debut.